Who We Are

History of the Marriage Encounter Movement

Marriage Encounter began in Spain in 1962 when a Roman Catholic priest, Father Calvo, presented the first weekend to 28 couples in Barcelona. He saw the need to encourage married couples in their communication and also the potential of their love in reaching out to their families and communities. He recognised that the ideal for marriage was a deep unity and intimacy which would influence society in spite of the pressures of modern life.

The movement spread rapidly to South America and soon became established throughout North America before spreading to Europe, Africa and Australasia.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter continues to be the strongest pro-marriage movement in the world. It is now present in over 90 countries and is available in twelve faith expressions.


Marriage Encounter believes that marriage should be a deep source of joy and vitality. Weekend programmes are provided where married couples can experience the full richness of intimacy possible in marriage. Couples learn communication techniques specifically intended to support and encourage an attitude of intimate and responsible living. Ongoing support is available for those who wish to continue their journey with others of like mind.

While Marriage Encounter teaches Catholic values & beliefs, it presents its message in a way that is accessible to Christians and non-Christians alike.

Marriage Encounter is for any married couple who love each other and are open to the possibility of growth in their marriage.

Marriage Enrichment Weekends have a parallel message for priests who desire to deepen their awareness of being Catholic priests whose priesthood is lived out in relationship with their people and community. 


Marriage Encounter receives no financial support from outside bodies. Its work is financed solely through the donations of couples who have attended weekends. There are no paid personnel in Marriage Encounter. The team couples and priests present the weekend on a completely voluntary basis.

Marriage Encounter has a ‘Paying it forward’ philosophy, wherein couples who have experienced the weekend are given the opportunity to make a confidential donation towards the cost of a future weekend for another couple.

Couples pay a non-refundable deposit, which is transferable if the couple or organisation has to postpone or reschedule. It is the policy of Marriage Encounter that cost should never be a deterrent to any couple wishing to experience the weekend.

Marriage Encounter

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